Charity Challenge Project

In the module BPD3100 (Applied Business Challenge), of the Victoria University Bachelor of Business program at Sunway KL; the team undertaking the Charity Challenge Project are tasked to raise awareness and funds for the NGO via events:


Charity Food Drive : held on 15thSeptember where 95 packets of Nasi Lemak, prepared by Agathians Shelter, were sold.  


5km Charity Virtual run : held from 26th September to 5th October followed by a Lucky draw session

A grand total  of  RM 8,975 was raised  from the above events inclusive of a  RM 600 donation in kind of face masks & face shields. The funds were used to purchase the Shelter’s wish list which consisted of 30 mattress, pillows, industrial wall fan, washing machine and 2 blenders. The remaining was given as a cash donation.

Some key take-aways for the team include: , the need to plan ahead, putting in place SOPs, taking accountability, ensuring transparency of monies to all key stakeholders. Overall the team had derived both increased team synergy as well as individual growth too from the entire project but the icing on the cake was the TQ note from Agathian Shelter….

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