25 JANUARY 2018

GreenThink! - SEG's e-Waste Disposal Collection

An on campus e-Waste Disposal Collection day was carried out on 18th January 2018.

The campaign started off with a big e-Waste collection bin placed at Sunway University Building foyer from 16th – 18th January 2018 for staff and students to dispose their big e-Waste items.

For smaller e-Waste items such as mobile phones, batteries, chargers, and other electronic components, e-Waste collection bins are available all year long in strategic locations on campus and hostels.

For the e-Waste collection day, a collection truck and workers were on standby at the collection booth to collect:

1.       office e-Waste items from ITS and Facilities departments,            

2.       items collected from the big and small e-Waste bins on campus, and

3.       other home e-Waste items brought in by staff and students.

Sunway Education Group's director of IT Services, Tony Lee, said: 'Since its inception in 2012 until last year, the Sunway Education Group has collected more than 22,000 kg of e-Waste. Our passion for the environment ensures we remain keen to support innovative ideas that create a better planet'.

This twice yearly event is a joint effort by IT Services, Facilities Services and Safety and Health departments, and SCC (Sunway College Councils) and supported by Student Life Department. The collected e-Waste is properly disposed by a certified e-Waste disposal vendor, approved by (DoE) Department of Environment. The vendor has the same mission as IT Services department as it advocates and supports a cleaner and greener environment.

The next e-Waste disposal collection day will be 16th August 2018.

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