20 September 2023

Monash Business Discovery Day: Pitch Perfect!

On 9 September 2023, the School of Business of Monash University Malaysia held the Business Discovery Day, an interactive competition-based event that empowers youth to experience the life of a business consultant, tackling real-world business challenges with exciting scenarios to produce convincing business plans for clients.

There were two areas of focus that this competition provided to participants to choose from, which are “Track A: Game On for Sustainability: ESG Accounting Competition” and “Track B: Strategic Pitch Battle, Harnessing Analytics for Success”. Participants had the privilege of learning from case studies and business challenges prepared by academic staff of the School of Business, Monash University Malaysia.

Participants formed teams to collaborate, pitch ideas and employ problem solving strategies. Cash prizes ranging from RM 1,000 to RM 4,000 were awarded to teams with the best pitches from both tracks.

For Track A, MUFY students did not emerge as champions but in Track B, however, Team B20, MUFY students – Darvin Letchumanan, Poh Yu Hern, Sarah Lee Ka Yee and Sir Ian Constantine Ho Hsin Leong – won the best pitch and were awarded the RM 4,000 cash prize. Congratulations to our MUFY Students! We are all very proud of you!.

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