24 July 2023

Sustainability Initiative – Leaf-Love-Life

Sunway College Cambridge A-level programme carried out a project along the vein of sustainability, ESG and SDG in Sunway campus.



This project is coined in extension of the A-Level Graduation Ceremony with fresh floral decorations displayed on the stage of Jeffrey Cheah Hall, fully sponsored by BloomThis. This initiative has involved all the staffs in the A-Level department, supervised by Ms Ruth Cheah and led by Ms Sharon Kong and Ms Leong Lai Wan.



Immediately after the closing of the A-Level Graduation Ceremony, all the flowers were removed from the stage and relocated (decorate) to the counter of offices in our Sunway campus, namely the A-Level staffroom, Student LIFE office, Marketing office, Student Admission office, Pre-U office, Sunway University Press office, Branding Dept office, Registry office, Dr Cheng Mien Wee's office and Prof Dato' Elizabeth Lee's office.

These flowers were then collected, after a week when the flowers started to wilt, and were sent to the Compost Room at the New University building, under the guidance from Associate Professor Dr Jane Gew Lai Ti, Professor Mohamed Kheireddine, Ms Linda Tan and Mr Jason Ruban.

From Leaf:

100% fresh artisan, handcrafted flowers and lush leaves from BloomThis were decorated beautifully on the stage, a day prior to the A-Level Graduation Ceremony. The sweet scent of fresh flowers filled the hall, captivating many guests and stealing uncountable camera clicks.

To Love:

In echoing the theme "Campus With A Conscience" and in walking the talk in supporting sustainability, ESG and SDG goals, this project has gained full cooperation and whole-hearted support from the main offices at Sunway College.

Apart from the lovely photography moments in the hall, these flora decorations sustained its worth and continued to provide more lovely views and camera clicks in these offices, rather than discarding these beautiful floral arrangements, while it is still fresh and blooming.

To a new life:

These wilted flowers were then sent to compost into fertilisers, to be returned to soil, sustaining life of many other new plants.

We are honoured to have Associate Professor Dr Jane Gew Lai Ti and Professor Mohamed Kheireddine, working on this initiative together, in utilising the compost machine located in Sunway University.

We have distributed the fertilisers to our Sunway campus staffs.

We thank you for the support and cooperation from all related departments and BloomThis, in making this project possible.

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