The filming of Celebrity Chef: East vs. West

It was a surprising and exciting day for many on campus as a helicopter landed on the Sunway University campus football field at around 9.00AM on Thursday, 25th January 2018.  Disembarking from it to the surprise of many who witnessed the landing, were Celebrity Chefs Nicholas Tse and David Rocco.  The helicopter landing and disembarking were part of scenes from their upcoming TV programme on Fox Life to be aired in March 2018.  Sunway University once again used as a location for the silver screens, catch the programme Celebrity Chef: East vs West to see which locations they used.  Also present as the host of the show was Celebrity Chef Bobby Chinn.

The filming of Celebrity Chef: East vs. West comes two days after a ‘Meet and Greet’ session with the up and coming British Pop Rock trio New Hope Club, creating the #MostHappeningCampus in Malaysia.

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