27 JULY 2022

Human Resource Management Comes Alive for VU@Sunway Students

Human Resource Management is critical to the success to any organisation. It is the backbone to an organisation and a strategic organisation would have HR on their board of directors.



In the HRM module at VU@Sunway, it was offered as part of the degree in 2020. It is an elective that is offered in semester one of every academic year. HRM is one of the most alive subjects that can be offered. In the deliverable or implementation of all the key nine arms of HRM; never is one day in the running of an HR department ever the same as another.



To help the VU@Sunway students gain some insight into the importance of HRM is a multinational organisation, Mr Selvendran from the Training and Development Manager of IKEA Damansara, came in to share about the importance of organisational culture in any successful organisation and provide some insights into IKEA’s workplace culture.



Dr Nagiah, is the advisor of a National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) and a specialist in Industrial relations. He shared about the importance of the HR role in a progressive organization. Along with some salient insights on the role of unions whose key role is to provide the check and balance for the benefit of all the stakeholders.

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