30 NOVEMBER 2017

Ikubunkan Global High School Study Tour to Malaysia 2017

On 1st and 2nd November 2017, the International Office played host to a study tour of 91 Japanese students from IKUBUNKAN GLOBAL HIGH SCHOOL. The Ikubunkan Global High School is part of the Ikubunkan Institute of Education in Tokyo which was founded in 1889, consisting of Ikubunkan Junior High School and Ikubunkan High School.

Over the last few years, students from Ikubunkan High School have been studying with Sunway College and Sunway University, thus creating a very positive link and relationship between the institutions.

A total of 91 students with ages ranging 16 to 18 were part of the tour group. During their 2-day visit, they had the opportunity to experience the student lifestyle in Sunway campus while exploring what Sunway City had to offer. The students had the opportunity to interact with the diverse cultures of the local and international student body at Sunway College and Sunway University. The students were particularly exposed to the constant and wide usage of English as the primary language of communication amongst the global community on Sunway campus.

Various activities were organised for the students including a comprehensive campus tour including job shadow experience in several departments on campus. The students were also delighted to participate in community service at Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-kanak Cacat Taman Megah where they had performed Japanese dances and games, and shared traditional items such as origami with the children.

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