Sunway Student Volunteers - Restarting our physical volunteering events

During the pandemic, although various activities were created through online platforms, committees knew that it would not be able to replace the impact of having volunteers go to the site or center to engage in the actual work in the aspect of community, environment, wildlife and health. Below are some short reports of on-site events that SSV had done.

Main FB link: https://www.facebook.com/sunwaystudentvolunteers.page


1)    Feeding Stray Dogs – 31 Oct (NGO - The Zero Stray Project)
Sunway Student Volunteers has once again done it by participating in The Zero Stray Project cooking and feeding process for the stray doggies. It has been our pleasure and honour to be working closely with TZSP since the beginning and many more to come.

We hope to witness new volunteers in our upcoming TZSP that is inspired to create positive changes to the welfare of the strays.

FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/sunwaystudentvolunteers.page/photos/pcb.300381…


2)    Mini Earth Warriors – 6 Nov (NGO – Great Heart Charity)
What better way to spend your Saturday morning than to make the earth a greener place.
As Malaysia is slowly recovering from the pandemic, 12 of our volunteers were able to participate in our event where we picked up rubbish around SS 14. With their help, we were able to collect 16.76 kg of general waste and 2.61 kg of recyclable waste. What a feat!

It is important that we open our eyes and realise that trash is everywhere, for example, on the sidewalks, fields and even in public amenities. Thus, we should only throw trash in the trashcan and stop disposing them irresponsibly.

FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/sunwaystudentvolunteers.page/photos/pcb.300933…

3)    Feed the Homeless – 13 Nov (NGO – Care4You)
Have you ever considered having a home to return to or enjoying hot plates of meals as a privilege? Not everyone is able to live their lives as comfortably as we do and we are able to lessen their burden with just small steps. With that in mind, 5 of our volunteers have taken the initiative to join Care4You on their mission to distribute food to the homeless people around the Central Market area.

Through this event, we were able to see the living conditions of the homeless people and share our blessings by distributing food to them. It was a meaningful experience that opened our eyes to the people who need help from us which motivated us to give back more to the community.

FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/sunwaystudentvolunteers.page/photos/pcb.301428…

4)    Beach Clean-up – 14 Nov (NGO – Ocean with Us)
Plastics can take up to 450 years to break down in the ocean, and they not only contaminate the environment but also lead to the extinction of ocean life and reefs. Humans are also reported to consume 40 pounds of plastic in their lifetime.

“We are being choked to death by the amount of plastic that we throw away. It’s killing our oceans. It’s entering into our bodies in the fish we eat.”– Kevin Bacon

So, for our Enviro Green Week, Sunway Student Volunteers once again held a Beach Clean Up event at Pantai Remis on 14 Nov to raise awareness about the extent of the marine trash problem among the local community and our members. We collected a total of 63 kg of trash from the coastal area.

FB link: https://www.facebook.com/sunwaystudentvolunteers.page/photos/pcb.301350…

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